The future is uncertain and blurry,
Yet our consciences are bat-blinded,
By the mere taste of mundane jewelry;
We’ve lost our hope’s beacon to vain glory;
Like a nude woman anxious to loose her virginity,
We put shady thoughts,
On the mind’s tablets of same and opposites;
They say, the poet lied,
But how can I, the truth tell?
When decoding bowels are as empty as well,
Dug beside an oasis in the Sahara;
My mouth is almost taped by the “Ogas’ fury”
And coupled in silence by the ignorance of fellow-citizens;
Alas! My dignity restored, by the ever lending ears of stones.

28 OCTOBER 2006.


I JUST SAVED A LIFE: Thank God for me oh! I just saved a life in the early hours of this uncertain last day of this mber month. I woke up, said my morning prayers, had my bath and cleaned my mouth. I soon after, pressed my locally made fabric and was set for the day’s “barricades”. The moment I stepped out of the house through the compound’s public gate, I met a physically challenged beggar standing at the gate’s front, as if he was informed that I was going to come out that early (5:30a.m). Knowing that I had on me, just enough money sufficient for the day’s programmes, I was lost in thought cos I felt for the poor beggar; I said to myself, ‘you have to drop your widow’s mite in that bowl of his’. But how do I do that, when I even left the house without eating even a morsel of garri? Now my emotions rose, my faith of sowing and reaping rose. I asked him, “how will you feel if I give you #50000?” and he replied speedily, “I’ll die of happiness”, so I gave nothing and he is still alife. What do you think?